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good. But we no longer have a quad cage.
That's bad. It may look like we have a quad
cage, but in reality, each area is made up of
six separate splines.
We can resolve this by partitioning our
edge loop with a few more splines, and in
the process we'll begin to expand our cage.
11. Zoom out and create a new point in the
center of the forehead, just a bit above
the bridge of the nose. Select the
remaining points as shown in Figure
14-20 and create a new spline.
Technically speaking, you don't need the
points running through the center of the eye
that you created in Step 9. But like sub-
patches, splines are directly affected by the
points around them. I had you add these
extra points to provide a subtle element of
control to the splines extending out either
side of the eye.
Let's take a look at what we've got. By
adding these two extra splines, we've parti-
tioned off sections of this edge loop. That's
Figure 14-19: It looks like we've sectioned our edge loop with four splines, but in
reality, each area is made up of six separate splines.
Figure 14-20: Expanding the spline cage
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