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wavelength is the only experimental measurement that is related to [Ca 2 þ ], intensity
changes arising from factors unrelated to changes in [Ca 2 þ ] (e.g., changes in cell
thickness, leakage of indicator from the cell) can confound interpretation of the
intensity data. In contrast, because the Ca 2 þ -free and Ca 2 þ -bound forms of ratio-
metric indicators are characterized by spectral peaks at di
erent wavelengths,
intensity measurements can be made at two di
erent wavelengths, and the ratio
between these intensities is quantitatively related to [Ca 2 þ ]( Grynkiewicz et al.,
1985 ). Obtaining a ratio minimizes the e
ect of many artifacts that are unrelated
to changes in [Ca 2 þ ]—for example, a change in cell thickness or indicator loss from
the cell would a
ect would
cancel when the two intensities are ratioed. The two commonly used ratiometric
indicators, Fura-2 and Indo-1, require excitation in the ultraviolet (UV) range,
whereas most of the common nonratiometric dyes use visible excitation light.
Although the ratiometric dyes can be calibrated more reliably ( Section V ), some-
times avoiding using UV light for excitation may be necessary (e.g., UV can excite
significant autofluorescence in some biological preparations and can photolyze
photosensitive ''caged'' compounds). Clearly,
ect intensities at the two wavelengths equally, so the e
in practice,
instrumentation for
using ratiometric indicators is more complex than that
for nonratiometric
Quin2 ( Tsien, 1980; Tsien et al., 1982 ) is the archetypal tetracarboxylate indicator
listed in Table I (structure in Fig. 1 ). Its properties and applications as a nonratio-
metric indicator have been reviewed in detail ( Tsien and Pozzan, 1989 ). However,
Quin2 has been superseded by new generations of nonratiometric and ratiometric
indicators. Of the nonratiometric indicators listed in Table I , the Fluo and Calcium
Green series as well as Oregon Green 488 BAPTA-2 incorporate fluorescein chro-
mophores and are, therefore, excited at wavelengths typical of fluoresceins. The
Fluo dyes, Calcium Green-2 and Oregon Green 488 BAPTA-2 exhibit the largest
intensity changes in their transition from Ca 2 þ -free to Ca 2 þ -bound forms (
fold; Haugland, 1992; Minta et al., 1989 ). This change can be an advantage because,
for a given rise in [Ca 2 þ ], these indicators give a larger increase in brightness
compared to other nonratiometric indicators. Because fluorescence quantum
erence between Ca 2 þ -
bound and Ca 2 þ -free forms implies that the Ca 2 þ -free forms of the two indicators
must be only weakly fluorescent. Some researchers find this fact annoying because
cells with relatively low resting [Ca 2 þ ] i (cytosolic free Ca 2 þ concentration) would
have most of the indicator in the Ca 2 þ -free form and therefore would be quite dim.
Rhod-2, Calcium Orange, and Calcium Crimson are indicators that incorporate
rhodamine-type chromophores and therefore are excited at much longer wave-
lengths than are the Fluo and Calcium Green dyes. When the acetoxymethyl (AM)
ciency 3 can range only from 0 to 1, the large intensity di
Fluorescence quantum e Y ciency, symbolized as F F or Q F , is the fraction of total light absorbed
that is emitted as fluorescence. Fluorescence quantum e
ciency may also be thought of as the proba-
bility that a molecule will emit fluorescence after absorbing a photon. Being a probability, the quantum
ciency can have a value between 0 and 1.
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