HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Keen to avoid the mistakes of the past, HTML5 was drafted on a series of design principles
to guide its development. First, HTML5 needed to be flexible enough to support existing
content, even if most of the existing content is completely messy. Second, the specification
needed to be powerful enough to support the creation of web applications. Straying too far
in either direction would cause it to suffer the fates of its previous brethren, HTML 4.01 and
HTML5 is now the latest version of Hypertext Markup Language, the code that describes
web pages. It has been designed to deliver almost everything we would want to do online
without requiring additional software such as browser plugins. HTML5 does everything
from animation to movies and can be used to build incredibly complicated applications that
will run in our browsers. Moreover, the web applications can still work when we are offline,
and they can tell websites where we are physically located. This revision is also cross-plat-
form, which means it works flawlessly on all systems and devices from smartphones to TV's
as long as the browser supports HTML5.
Explaining the features and capabilities of HTML5 can fill a few topics by itself. In the fol-
lowing chapters, we will first take a look at the more common HTML elements that have
more or less remained the same during all revisions. Then we will focus on some of the more
recent elements and functionalities exclusive to HTML5.
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