Civil Engineering Reference
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Flange Splices
Maximum force in the upper flange ¼ 150 275 100
1000 ¼ 4125 kN
N flange
Þ 4125 = 206 ¼ 20 bolts 5 rows of four bolts in double shear
Maximum force in the lower flange ¼ 210 275 100
1000 ¼ 5775 kN
N flange
Þ 5775
¼ 28 taken as 30 bolts 5 rows of six bolts in double shear
4.4.6 Design of Roller Steel Fabricated Bearings
Let us now design the roller steel fabricated bearings shown in Figure 4.106
and detailed in Figure 4.123 . The maximum vertical reaction at the supports
of the main plate girder was previously calculated under dead and live loads
with dynamic effect ( R D+L+ F ), which was 2193.36 kN. The material of
construction for the bearings is cast iron steel (ISO 3755) 340-550 having
a yield stress of 340 MPa and an ultimate stress of 550 MPa.
Design of the Sole Plate
The reaction ( R D+L+ F ) can be assumed as two equal concentrated loads at
two points, which are the centers of gravity of half of the load bearing stiff-
ener section shown in Figure 4.123 . To determine the centers of gravity
(distance e ), we can take the first area moment around the axis z - z , shown
in Figure 4.33 , as follows:
2 25 1
0 0
0 1
6 11
e ¼
¼ 5
16 cm
2 25 1
0 1
Assuming that the thickness of the sole plate is t 1 , with detailed dimensions
shown in Figure 4.33 based on the flange plate girder dimensions, we can
determine the maximum moment applied to the sole plate ( M ) as follows:
36 10 3
M ¼R D+L+ F e
2 ¼ 2193
2 ¼ 56,588,688Nmm
¼ b 1 t 1 =
4 ¼ 200 t 1
The plate thickness t 1 can be calculated now as follows:
W pl ¼
4 ¼ 800 t 1 =
Section plastic modulus W pl
f y
g M0
200 t 1 ¼
Then, t 1 ¼ 28.8 mm, taken as 40 mm, as shown in Figure 4.123 .
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