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considering the interaction between plate and column buckling using the
reduction factor r c . Stiffened Plate Elements with Longitudinal Stiffeners
According to EC3 [ 3.5 ] , for plates with longitudinal stiffeners, the effective p
areas from local buckling of the various subpanels between the stiffeners and
the effective p areas from the global buckling of the stiffened panel should be
accounted for. The effective p section area of each subpanel should be deter-
mined by a reduction factor to account for local plate buckling. The stiffened
plate with effective p section areas for the stiffeners should be checked for
global plate buckling (by modeling it as an equivalent orthotropic plate)
and a reduction factor r should be determined for overall plate buckling.
The effective p area of the compression zone of the stiffened plate should
be taken as
A c , eff ¼r c A c , eff , loc + X b edge , eff t
ð 3
55 Þ
where A c,eff,loc is the effective p section areas of all the stiffeners and subpanels
that are fully or partially in the compression zone except the effective parts
supported by an adjacent plate element with the width b edge,eff (see example
in Figure 3.26 ). The area A c,eff,loc should be obtained from
A c , eff , loc ¼A sl , eff + X
r loc b c , loc t
ð 3
56 Þ
where P c applies to the part of the stiffened panel width that is in compres-
sion except the parts b edge,eff (see Figure 3.26 ) , A sl,eff is the sum of the effec-
tive p sections of all longitudinal stiffeners with gross area A sl located in the
compression zone, b c,loc is the width of the compressed part of each subpa-
nel, and r loc is the reduction factor for each subpanel. According to EC3
b 1 r 2
A c,eff,loc
b 3,edge,eff
b 1,edge,eff =
A c
b 1 r 1 b 2 r 2
b 2 r 2
b 3 r 3
b 1
b 3
b 1
b 2
b 3
b 1
b 2
b 3
Figure 3.26 An example of stiffened plate under uniform compression according to
EC3 [ 3.5 ] .
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