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concrete slab composite girders. The parametric study on composite girders
with precast hollow core slabs was published by Lam et al. [ 2.89 ] . Also, from
the results of the parametric study, design charts have been developed for
initial sizing of composite girders by the authors [ 2.90 ]. Shim et al. [ 2.91 ]
developed a finite element model to simulate shear connection in composite
girders with full-depth prestressed decks. The numerical model was devel-
oped as a part of a study carried out to investigate design considerations of the
shear connection in steel-concrete composite bridges with full-depth pre-
stressed decks. The authors assumed that the shear connection was contin-
uous and uniform along the beam and no separation took place at the
interface. The finite element method has been used in the analysis, and a
composite beam element that has 12 degrees of freedom was developed.
The shear stiffness of the shear connection was evaluated from linear elastic
analysis, and this, in addition to the assumption of full interaction between
steel beam and concrete slab, limits the use of this model in an accurate finite
element analysis. Ellobody and Lam [ 2.92 ] evaluated the effective width of
composite steel beams with precast hollow core slabs numerically using the
finite element method. A parametric study, carried out on 27 beams with
different steel cross sections, hollow core unit depths, and spans, is presented.
The effective width of the slab is predicted for both the elastic and the plastic
ranges. Eight-node 3D solid elements are used to model the composite beam
components. The material nonlinearity of all the components is taken into
consideration. The nonlinear load-slip characteristics of the headed shear
stud connectors are included in the analysis. The moment-deflection behav-
ior of the composite beams, the ultimate moment capacity, and the modes of
failure are also presented. In addition, the ultimate moment capacity of the
beams evaluated using the present FE analysis was compared with the results
calculated using the rigid-plastic method.
Ranzi and Bradford [ 2.93 ] presented a numerical model for the analysis
of composite steel-concrete beams at elevated temperatures accounting for
both longitudinal and transverse interaction. The model was derived by
means of the principle of virtual work. A finite element was developed based
on the formulation of partial interaction. The authors performed parametric
studies investigating the effects of different thermal distributions on the
structural response of a composite beam. Elastic material properties were
assumed for all materials while still accounting for their degradation with
temperature. A bilinear constitutive model was adopted for the transverse
interface connection. Based on the proposed numerical model, it was con-
cluded that it is important to account for the combined actions, that is,
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