Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Sections 25.2-25.6
( Add new methods in BST ) Add the following new methods in BST .
/** Displays the nodes in a breadth-first traversal */
public void breadthFirstTraversal()
/** Returns the height of this binary tree */
public int height()
( Test full binary tree ) A full binary tree is a binary tree with the leaves on the
same level. Add a method in the BST class to return true if the tree is a full
binary tree. ( Hint : The number of nodes in a full binary tree is 2 depth
/** Returns true if the tree is a full binary tree */
boolean isFullBST()
( Implement inorder traversal without using recursion ) Implement the inorder
method in BST using a stack instead of recursion. Write a test program that
prompts the user to enter 10 integers, stores them in a BST, and invokes the
inorder method to display the elements.
( Implement preorder traversal without using recursion ) Implement the
preorder method in BST using a stack instead of recursion. Write a test pro-
gram that prompts the user to enter 10 integers, stores them in a BST, and
invokes the preorder method to display the elements.
( Implement postorder traversal without using recursion ) Implement the
postorder method in BST using a stack instead of recursion. Write a test
program that prompts the user to enter 10 integers, stores them in a BST, and
invokes the postorder method to display the elements.
( Find the leaves ) Add a method in the BST class to return the number of the
leaves as follows:
/** Returns the number of leaf nodes */
public int getNumberOfLeaves()
( Find the nonleaves ) Add a method in the BST class to return the number of the
nonleaves as follows:
/** Returns the number of nonleaf nodes */
public int getNumberofNonLeaves()
( Implement bidirectional iterator ) The java.util.Iterator interface defines
a forward iterator. The Java API also provides the java.util.ListIterator
interface that defines a bidirectional iterator. Study ListIterator and define
a bidirectional iterator for the BST class.
( Tree clone and equals ) Implement the clone and equals methods in the
BST class. Two BST trees are equal if they contain the same elements. The
clone method returns an identical copy of a BST .
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