Information Technology Reference
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Emphasis of acceptance is on the assessment of functional completeness regard-
ing the functional specifications with respect to its basis, the relevant business
Basis and procedures of test case implementation as well as test process steps
will be discussed in a separate section.
The total acceptance procedure has to be completed within ten work days. At the
end of each work day a review takes place with the participation of members of a
steering group for error validation (criteria see below).
The amendment of critical errors takes place twice after each Wednesday by the
development team. The patches created for this will be cleared and uploaded on the
following Thursday. Thereafter a re-test of the previously erroneous functions takes
place. The only other documentation tool besides the protocol forms of the test
persons is the error tracker used by the supplier.
Further amendments of non-critical errors or deficiencies will be handled by the
existing error and configuration management.
Acceptance of the system xyz n.1 can be pronounced when at the end of the
acceptance phase on date mm.dd.yyyy no errors remain which might substantially
impede the implementation project.
5.4.3 Contributions
Both supplier and customer have to provide certain contributions according to the
task allocations below. For this purpose a steering group and an acceptance team are
to be created taking over part of the tasks of supplier and customer.
The supplier has to take care of the following tasks in the context of acceptance
￿ Provisioning of acceptance readiness
￿ Provisioning of a functioning test system (including installed software)
￿ Provisioning of all system components undergoing acceptance tests
￿ Delivery of the complete software and its documentation on a suitable medium
￿ Implementation of customising requirements from the customer
￿ Provisioning of test data having been identified together with the customer
￿ If necessary, provisioning of additional support regarding computing and service
￿ Provisioning of acceptance test resources to support for example the test con-
figuration for the acceptance team.
￿ Definition of a detailed acceptance test schedule
￿ Shared management of the acceptance team together with the customer
￿ Provide staff to participate in acceptance tests
￿ Training of the acceptance team to enable them to carry out acceptance tests and
operate the system
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