Information Technology Reference
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￿ Manage errors and deliver amendments of the software within an agreed time
The customer has to take care of the following task in the context of acceptance
￿ Provide staff to participate in the steering group
￿ Provide staff to participate in the acceptance test team
￿ Write test cases including acceptance criteria
￿ Specify customising requests to the supplier
￿ Shared management of the steering group with the supplier
￿ Shared management of the acceptance team with the supplier
￿ Work out test data requirements with the supplier
￿ Transformation of test cases into test process steps together with the supplier.
From the above mentioned tasks the steering group is responsible for the
￿ Installation of the acceptance team,
￿ Resource planning,
￿ Management of all preparations for acceptance tests in compliance with the
acceptance specification and acceptance test schedule as well as initiating and
tracking of suitable measures in case of departure from the task list,
￿ Evaluation of acceptance test results to be formally approved by the signatures
of the common sub-project management on the acceptance protocol,
￿ Clarifying conflicting interpretations of acceptance test results and escalate these
issues if necessary,
Initiate measures for error amendments and track them.
From the above mentioned tasks the acceptance test team is responsible for the
￿ Participation in the training
￿ Carry out acceptance tests with test protocols and enter error messages in the
error tracking tool
￿ Daily review about acceptance tests with recommendations for follow up
￿ Test reports to the steering group.
5.4.4 Acceptance Readiness and Time Schedule
At the start of acceptance procedures the test system will be provided and the
components to be accepted documented in a protocol of provisioning
(see appendix). The acceptance test team checks the system whether it is correctly
set up with respect to the requirements indicated in the section about reference
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