Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Step 2
To run the tool, double-click on the gdx-setup-ui file. When the program starts,
click on the big Create button:
Step 3
In the next window, you will see a box labeled CONFIGURATION on the left-hand
side. Here, you can configure what the tool will generate.
Enter demo in the Name field, which defines a common project name for your
application. Each launcher project will add its own suffix to it, such as -desktop ,
-android , or -html . A preview of the outcome is shown in the OVERVIEW box on
the right-hand side of the window.
The Package field defines the name of your Java package. This needs to be a unique
identifier written in lowercase, which is usually derived from a reversed domain
name. You do not have to own a domain name nor does it have to really exist, but it
helps in choosing nonconflicting namespaces for Java applications. This is especially
important on Android, as identical package names for two separate applications
would mean that the already installed application is going to be overwritten by the
second one while trying to install it. For this demo application, use com.packtpub.
libgdx.demo as the package name for now.
The Game class field defines the name of the main class in the shared game code
project. Enter MyDemo as the game class name.
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