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// + Debug: Show FPS Counter
// + Separator and Buttons (Save, Cancel)
winOptions.add(buildOptWinButtons()).pad(10, 0, 10, 0);
// Make options window slightly transparent
winOptions.setColor(1, 1, 1, 0.8f);
// Hide options window by default
if (debugEnabled) winOptions.debug();
// Let TableLayout recalculate widget sizes and positions
// Move options window to bottom right corner
(Constants.VIEWPORT_GUI_WIDTH - winOptions.getWidth() - 50,
return winOptions;
This method contains the code that initializes the Options window. It builds each
part of the menu using the build methods that we just implemented before this one.
The Options window is set to an opacity value of 80 percent. This makes the window
appear slightly transparent, which adds a nice visual detail to it. The call of the
pack() method of the Window widget makes sure that TableLayout recalculates the
widget sizes and positions them so that all added widgets will correctly fit into the
window. After this, the window is moved to the bottom-right corner of the screen.
Last but not least, make the following changes to the onOptionsClicked() method:
private void onOptionsClicked() {
Finally, the added code allows the Options window to be opened. The settings are
loaded before the Options window is shown so that the widgets will always be
correctly initialized.
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