Digital Signal Processing Reference
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G(z) is the Green operator
G(z) =
H, it follows
G (z) =
For a Hermitean Hamiltonian
G(z ).
The existence of the inverse operator G(z) is guaranteed if z is not an eigen
energy E k from the spectrum of H.
This will be the case for a Hermitean
Hamiltonian H provided that
z + = E + i0 +
z = E + iǫ
where ǫ is an infinitesimally small positive number. On the other hand, the
resolvent G + (z) can be viewed as the standard Fourier integral of the time
evolution operator
G(E) =−i
dtθ(t) U(t)e iEt
U(t) = e −i Ht
where θ(t) is the usual Heaviside step function and t is the real time variable.
As it stands, G(z) is the operator Pade approximant, i.e., the OPA, because
this resolvent is defined by the product of the unity operator and (z1−H) −1 ,
and formally, G(z) = 1(z1−H) −1 = (z1−H) −1 1. Therefore, diagonal or off
diagonal matrix elements of the Green function G are the customary scalar
Pade approximant. This follows from the corresponding Schrodinger eigen
value problem
H|Υ k = E k k
where|Υ k
is the eigenstate corresponding to the eigenenergy E k . Employ
ing completeness of the set{|Υ k
}, in the form of the spectral decomposition
of the unity operator, i.e., 1 =
k Υ k |, we have from (2.40)
k Υ k |
z−E k .
G(z) =
Nonnegative integer K is finite or infinite, depending on the number of eigen
states E k in the spectrum of H. The associated diagonal (r = s) and off
diagonal (r = s) matrix elements of G(z) taken over the states|Φ s
andΦ r
can be extracted from (2.46) as
d (r,s)
z−E k
A K−1 (z)
B K (z)
G r,s (z)≡Φ r |G|Φ s =
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