Digital Signal Processing Reference
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where the weight function W(x) > 0 has at least n + 1 points of increase.
Next, in the space of polynomials{Q r (x)}, one can define the asymmetric
scalar/inner product with respect to the measure dσ(x) via
Q m (x)Q n (x)dσ(x).
Q m (x)|Q n (x)≡
Of course, asymmetric scalar products are customary in the conventional for
mulation of quantum mechanics defined on the field of Hermitean operators.
Clearly, the star in Q m (x) is superfluous in (2.34) because Q m (x) = Q m (x)
according to (2.32). We shall keep the star superscript on all the 'bra' vectors
f(x)|even for a real function f(x) in order to indicate the use of the asymmet
ric inner product. For the value Q n (z) with a complex z, it is obvious that the
star superscript on such a polynomial cannot be ignored. Such circumstances
can be relevant for resolvents of even Hermitean operators (Hamiltonians)
encountered in quantum mechanics. Further, we assume that polynomials
{Q n (x)}are orthonormalized with respect to the measure dσ(x)
Q n (x)Q m (x)dσ(x) = w n δ nm
where the coe cients{w n
}are the weights (w n > 0). The latter weights
should not be confused with the standard Christoffel numbers{w n
numerical integrations [5]. We shall also use the completeness relation
w n
W n (x)Q n (x)Q m (x 0 )
δ(x−x 0 ) =
W n (x) =
This relationship formally retains its form for operatorvalued functions
δ(E1−H) =
W n (E)Q n (E)Q m ( H)
where E is the real energy and H is the Hermitean Hamiltonian operator
( H = H) of the investigated physical system. In (2.37), the Dirac δoperator
represents the socalled density operator for the total energy E and Hamilto
H. There exists the following operator relationship, in the limit ǫ−→0 +
(E + iǫ)1−H
where the symbolPdenotes the usual principle value. Using this expression,
the density operator becomes
δ(E1−H) =− 1
π Im G(z)
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