Java Reference
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or eContainer() method, for example. For a list of what's available in Ecore,
refer to EMF documentation [38].
Model ::objects() : Set ( Element )
Returns a list of objects in the model extent, or a flattened set of all objects
contained in the passed model instance.
Model ::objectsOfType(OclType) : Set ( Element )
Returns a list of objects from the set of flattened model objects that are of
the specified type. Following is an example in which objects of type
mindmap::Map are selected from the input model:
inModel.objectsOfType(mindmap::Map).map toRequirementsModel();
Model ::rootObjects() : Set ( Element )
Returns a list of objects found at the root of the model—that is, those not
contained within any other model object. In the case of typical Ecore models, this
is a single model object. In the case of XMI files, there can be multiple root
objects. In the case of XSD-based model instances, the root object is the
DocumentRoot object.
Model ::removeElement ( Element ) : Void
Removes an object from the model, including all links to other objects. This
can be useful when cleaning up a model created when intermediate or unwanted
objects exist.
Model ::asTransformation( Model ) : Transformation
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