Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Element ::deepclone() : Element
Creates a new instance copy of the model element, including subobjects.
Element ::markedAs(value:String) : Boolean
An operation that is defined for each model type. It can determine whether
an element is marked, as is the case when accessing an MOF::Tag . This opera-
tion is not currently implemented.
Element ::markValue() : Object
An operation used to return the value associated with a marked element.
This operation is not currently implemented.
Element ::stereotypedBy(String) : Boolean
An operation used to determine whether an element is stereotyped. This
operation is not currently implemented.
Element ::stereotypedStrictlyBy(String) : Boolean
An operation similar to stereotypedBy() , except that the base stereotype
is not considered. This operation is not currently implemented.
13.6.3 Model Operations
Model objects that are declared in a transformation signature are available to be
accessed throughout the transformation definition. A number of operations are
available on these objects and are covered here.
M2M QVT OML provides access to the Ecore features available on the
Model objects as well. It's possible to access a model's eAnnotations property
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