Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Clients that provide an extension to the renderedImageFactory exten-
sion-point must create classes that implement the following interfaces:
Diagrams generated using the GMF tooling do not currently use this
10.5.7 ClipboardSupport
Identifier: org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.clipboard.core.clip-
Description: Providers of EMF metamodels can contribute extensions to pro-
vide support for copying EMF objects to and pasting them from the system
Clipboard. ClipboardSupport allows extensions to implement fairly complex
metamodel-specific semantics for copy/paste operations, where some relation-
ships between model elements need special treatment.
Configuration markup:
<!ELEMENT extension (factory+)>
<!ELEMENT factory EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST factory
priority (lowest|low|medium|high|highest) "medium">
This element registers an implementation of the IClipboardSupportFactory
interface that can create objects that provide metamodel-specific copy/paste
semantics for EMF objects.
nsURI —Namespace URI identifying the EPackage for which the extension
provides an IClipboardSupportFactory implementation. The EPackage
represents an EMF metamodel.
class —The fully qualified name of a class implementing the IClipboard
SupportFactory interface. This class is loaded and instantiated only when
needed to copy an EMF object to the Clipboard or when pasting from the
priority —Indicates the priority, relative to other factories registered for
the same metamodel. The default is medium. This attribute is deprecated; a new
context-based approach will be devised soon.
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