Java Reference
In-Depth Information
10.5.6 RenderedImageFactory
Identifier: org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.draw2d.ui.render.
Description: This extension-point defines an image type to allow autodetec-
tion of an image buffer. The image type can instantiate a RenderedImage ,
which can subsequently be rendered using the ScalableImageFigure class. In
the extension-point, the client points to a factory class that is created imple-
menting the RenderedImageType interface. The RenderedImageFactory
static class calls the extension-point to compile a list of image types to query.
When the client calls the RenderedImageFactory to retrieve the proper
RenderedImage , it asks each type whether it can handle the particular image
buffer. If the type autodetects the image buffer, the type instantiates and returns
a RenderedImage object.
Configuration markup:
<!ELEMENT extension (factory)>
<!ELEMENT factory EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST factory
class —Name of the image factory, such as the provided org.eclipse.
gmf.runtime.draw2d.ui.render.factory.RenderedImageFactory .
An extension to the renderedImageFactory would require implementa-
tion of the RenderedImageType interface. The following is an example contri-
bution to the renderedImageFactory extension, as found in the runtime
plug-in org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.draw2d.ui.render.awt :
API information:
For API information, see the classes and interfaces defined in the org.
eclipse.gmf.runtime.draw2d.ui.render and
time.draw2d.ui.render.factory packages.
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