Java Reference
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name —The priority of the provider. It can be one of the following values:
Lowest , Low , Medium , High , or Highest . Dependencies must be considered
when choosing the priority. A provider that adds contributions to paths (menus
| groups) that other providers have contributed must have a higher priority than
they do. Similarly, a provider that contributes palette entries that other providers
have predefined must have a higher priority.
<!ATTLIST editor
This element specifies the target editor. The editor is not required when pre-
defining palette entries.
id —The published ID of the targeted editor. Although this field is optional,
at least one of the two fields ( id and class ) must be specified.
class —The fully qualified name of a class/interface that is assignable from
or adaptable to the target editor. The name can be followed (between parenthe-
ses) by the ID of a plug-in whose classloader can load that class. The final syn-
tax is className<(plugin id)>? . Although this field is optional, at least one
of the two fields ( id and class ) must be specified.
<!ELEMENT content (method* , staticMethod*)>
<!ATTLIST content
class —The fully qualified name of a class/interface that is assignable from
or adaptable to the target editor's content object. The name can be followed
(between parentheses) by the ID of a plug-in whose classloader can load that
class. The final syntax is className<(plugin id)>?.
<!ELEMENT contribution (entry* , predefinedEntry*)>
<!ATTLIST contribution
factoryClass CDATA #IMPLIED>
factoryClass —The fully qualified name of a class that represents the factory
for the contributions. The class must implement the interface org.eclipse.
gmf.runtime.gef.ui.internal.ui.palette.PaletteFactory .
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