Java Reference
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<!ELEMENT entry (expand?)>
<!ATTLIST entry
kind (drawer|separator|template|tool|stack)
description CDATA #IMPLIED
small_icon CDATA #IMPLIED
large_icon CDATA #IMPLIED
permission (None|HideOnly|Limited|Full)
defineOnly (true | false) >
This element specifies a palette entry that will be contributed to the palette.
kind —The kind of the entry ( drawer | stack | separator | tool |
template ).
id —A user-defined ID for the entry (unique within a provider).
path —A fully qualified path of contribution. All path IDs should have been
previously defined. Previous means either earlier in the XML file or in another
one with a lower priority (order). If a path ends with a separator ID, the new
entry is appended to the elements following the separator (just before the next
separator, or at the end of the container, if it has no more separators below that
one). If a path ends with a normal entry ID, the new entry is inserted after that
entry. A path is required unless this palette entry is being defined only so that it
can be contributed by another palette provider.
label —The palette entry label (not required for separators).
description —The palette entry description.
small_icon —The palette entry small icon.
large_icon —The palette entry large icon.
permission —The palette entry permission ( None | HideOnly | limited |
full ).
defineOnly —If true , this palette entry is only being defined; it will not be
contributed. In this case, the path is ignored and not required. When defining a
palette drawer or palette stack, this flag needs to be set only on the palette
drawer or stack, to indicate that all the entries on the drawer are being defined
only. The palette entry can be contributed by another palette extension using a
predefinedEntry .
<!ELEMENT expand (content?)>
<!ATTLIST expand
force (true | false) "false">
This element defines a condition to make palette drawers initially expanded.
force true or false , used to force expansion.
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