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Appendix D
Entropy Dependence on the Variance
When analyzing the MSE and EE risk functionals in a comparative way, one
often wishes to know how the Shannon entropy changes with the variance
(denoted in this Appendix simply as H and V , respectively). We shall see
in Sect. D.2 that many unimodal parametric PDFs, f ( x ; α ), have an entropy
H ( α ) which changes with the variance V ( α ) in an increasing way but with
decreasing derivative [219]. In order to show this we first need to introduce
the notion of saturating functions.
D.1 Saturating Functions
+ is an
up-saturating ( down-saturating ) function — denoted USF (DSF) — if it is
strictly concave (convex) and increasing (decreasing).
Definition D.1. A real continuous function f ( x ) with domain
1. Let us recall that f ( x ) is a strictly concave function if
= x 2
then f ( tx 1 +(1 −t ) x 2 ) >tf ( x 1 )+(1 −t ) f ( x 2 ). Function f is strictly convex
if −f is strictly concave.
2. One could define saturating functions for the whole real line. They are
here restricted to
]0 , 1[ and x 1
+ for simplicity and because variance is a non-negative
3. x and ln( x ) are obvious USFs. The functions digamma, ψ ( x )= ( x )
and trigamma, ψ 1 ( x )= ( x )
, to be used below, are USF and DSF, re-
Properties. The following are obvious properties of saturating functions:
f is USF and vice-versa.
ii If f is a saturating function and a
iIf f is DSF
is a constant, f + a is a saturating
function of the same type (i.e., both either USF or DSF).
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