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iii If f is a saturating function and a
=0is a constant, af is a saturating
function; of the same type if a> 0 and of different type otherwise.
iv If f ( x ) is a saturating function and a> 0 is a constant, f ( ax ) is a satu-
rating function of the same type.
vIf f 1 and f 2 are USFs of the same variable and with domains D 1 and
D 2 ,f 1 + f 2 defined on D 1
D 2
is USF. A similar result holds for
DSFs (yielding a DSF).
1. The above properties (i) through (iv) are useful when one has to deal
with annoying normalization factors. Let us suppose a PDF f ( x )= kg ( x ),
where k is the normalization factor. We have H =
f ln f =
k ln k
with G = g ln g . Let us further suppose that V = av ,where a> 0
is a constant. We then have the following implications with annotated
property: G ( v ) DSF
G ( V ) DSF
G ( V ) USF
kG ( V ) USF
H ( V ) USF.
2. By property (ii) if H ( V ) is USF then H is also USF in terms of the second-
order moment, i.e., the “MSE risk”.
Proposition D.1. If f ( x ) is a saturating function and g ( x ) is USF, with
the codomain of g contained in the support of f ,then h ( x )= f ( g ( x )) is a
saturating function of the same type of f ( x ) .
Proof. Let us analyze the up-saturating case of f ( x ) and set y = g ( x ).Since
g is strictly concave we have for t
]0 , 1[ and x 1
= x 2 ,g ( tx 1 +(1
t ) x 2 ) >
ty 1 +(1
t ) y 2 . Therefore, because f is a strictly increasing function, h ( tx 1 +
t ) x 2 ) >f ( ty 1 +(1
t ) y 2 ), the strict concavity of f implying h ( tx 1 +
t ) f ( y 2 ). Furthermore, since the composition of two
strictly increasing functions is a strictly increasing function, h is USF. The
result for a down-saturating f ( x ) is proved similarly.
t ) x 2 ) >tf ( y 1 )+(1
Remark: The preceding Proposition allows us to say that if entropy is a
saturating function of the standard deviation, σ , it will also be a saturating
function of the variance, V ,since σ = V is USF. The converse is not true.
For instance, f ( V )= V 0 . 7 is USF of V but not of σ ( f ( σ )= σ 1 . 4 ).
Proposition D.2. A differentiable USF (DSF) f ( x ) , has a strictly decreas-
ing positive (increasing negative) derivative and vice-versa.
Proof. We analyze the up-saturating case. Since f ( x ) is strictly concave, we
have for t
t ) x + t ( x + t )) = f ( x + t 2 );
]0 , 1[, (1
t ) f ( x )+ tf ( x + t ) <f ((1
< f ( x + t 2 ) −f ( x )
f ( x + t ) −f ( x )
t 2 , and since f ( x ) is strictly increasing
the strict decreasing positive derivative follows. The down-saturating case is
proved similarly.
Remark: The preceding Proposition is sometimes useful to decide whether
the entropy, H , is a saturating function of the variance, V ,bylookinginto
dH/dV .
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