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4.1 The Data Splitter Setting
The (univariate) discrete data splitter corresponds to a classifier function
z = z ( x )= z ,x
z ,x>x
where x is a data split point (or threshold) and z ∈{−
is a class label.
The theoretic optimal classification (decision) rule corresponds to a split point
x and class label z such that:
1 , 1
( x ,z )=argmin P ( z ( X )
= t ( X )) ,
min P e =inf ￿ z = 1 pF X| 1 ( x )+ q (1
F X|− 1 ( x )) +
+ ￿ z =1 p (1
F X| 1 ( x )) + qF X|− 1 ( x ) ,
where F X|t is the distribution function of class ω t for t ∈{− 1 , 1 } and p and q
are the class priors.. The first term inside braces in equation (4.5) corresponds
to the situation where min P e is reached when z
1 is at the left of x ;
the second term corresponds to swapping the class labels. A split given by
( x ,z ) is called a theoretical Stoller split [223]. The data-based version, the
empirical Stoller split , essentially chooses the solution ( x ,z ) such that the
empirical error is minimal [223], that is,
( x ,z )=arg
( x,z ) R ×{− 1 , 1 }
+ ￿
{X i ≤x,T i = z}
{X i >x,T i = −z}
i =1
The probability of error of the empirical Stoller split converges to the Bayes
error for n
We assume from now on that ω 1 is at the left of ω 1 ,thatis, z =
and, our data splitter is given by
z = z ( x )=
1 ,x>x
1 ,x
An important result on candidate optimal split points is given by the following
theorem [216]:
Theorem 4.1. For continuous univariate class-conditional PDFs f X|− 1 and
f X| 1 the Stoller split occurs either at an intersection of qf X|− 1 with pf X| 1 or
at +
Proof. The probability of error for a given split point x is given by
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