Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
The portal gives access to information on: surface water quality, ground water, and point
sources (emissions).
The portal includes services where the users can have useful information related to the WFD
and the WRMIS, including links, documents, and news.
A login procedure has been established on the WRMIS portal to secure that only registered
users can have access to the available information. The WRMIS system administrator has
special rights to the system, that give access to maintain the system by updating the news,
links, documents, meta database, and the system administrator is responsible for granting
rights to the users of the system. The list of portal Web Service operations is presented in
Table 1.
Operation Description
ListOfRegions Returns a list of region IDs and names
ListOfSites Returns a list of site IDs and names
GetSiteInfo Returns site information, such as name, coordinates, distance to river
mouth, etc.
GetSamples Returns a list of sample dates for the specific site
GetAnnualMeans Returns annual means for a specific monitoring site in a specific
GetAnalysisResults Returns raw data for a specific monitoring site and period
ListOfPS Returns list of point sources
GetPSInfo Returns main information for a specific point source
GetPSOutlets Returns raw data for a specific point source and period
Table 1. The main operations of web services of the developing portal
The UDDI registry of WRMIS Web Services is developed for internal purposes, having in
mind that exposing it freely on the Internet increases the security risks (Data Junction 2003).
5.1 Surface water database (DW1)
A data warehouse has been established based on data from the "Water monitoring in rivers
and lakes (VANMON)" database. Database structures similar to the VANMON database
have been created in Oracle, and an interface by use of a database SOAP server has been
established on top of the database. The database server provides SOAP-based Web Services
with basic functions for using and maintaining the database, e.g.: selection from, update of,
and appending to the WRMIS VANMON database.
By connecting to the WRMIS portal and selecting a Surface Water item in the menu, the user
is able to retrieve data from a specific river monitoring station. User has a possibility to
select a site and get all the analysis results stored in a table form, and to save the retrieved
data as an Excel spreadsheet.
The dropdown box with regions is the result of a SOAP call to the Surface water data
warehouse. When the user selects a region in the dropdown box, or when the user clicks on
a region in the map, a new map and an additional drop down box with sites appears. This
map can be zoomed to the selected region. In the map the site and river layers are visible,
and the site layer is click-able.
The surface water Web Service has the next operations: Init, Meta Tables, Meta Fields,
Reload Meta Data, Add To Table, Delete From Table, Update In Table, Select From Table,
Select From Table(2), Joined Select, Replace Lookup Select, Union Select, and Get Object.
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