Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Task 1
You are to compil e a work placement portfolio in which you should:
Use resources and c ontacts to propose two potential work experience placements in the travel and
tourism sector, taking into account constraints (P1). This should be presented as a short report giving
details of the type of organi s ations, potential roles that you could undertake and any constraints that
may affect the choice of placement. Your report should include details of the sources used to identify the
placements, e.g. newspapers, tr a de magazines, family members, tutors and other contacts.
Prepare for work experience by c o mpleting relevant documentation and setting objectives for the
placement (P2). You must write a lett e r of enquiry or a letter of application for one of the possible
placements identifi ed in Task 1a, as w e ll as providing an up-to-date CV, an interview checklist and
confi rmation of acceptance, for example an e-mail or letter. You must also set appropriate personal,
career and curriculum objectives for your placement and include these in your portfolio.
Explain how potential work experience placemen t s could provide opportunities to meet personal, career
and curriculum objectives (M1). This should be a written explanation and relates to the two potential
placements that you identifi ed in Task 1a and the objectives that you set yourself in Task 1b.
This task is designed to provide evidence for P1, P2 and M 1 .
Task 2
You are to write a short report to be included in your portfolio in which you must:
Demonstrate skills, qualities and behaviour during work experience, a nd adherence to a code of conduct
(P3). You report should include information on, for example, your p unctuality, how you dressed and
how you responded to instructions. This could be achieved by quotin g from entries in your log book,
feedback from the employer or tutor's comments.
Describe key features of the work experience organisation, including your own duties and responsibilities
(P4). You should include in your report details of the organisation, an orga n is a tion chart, key activities,
products and services, and health and safety issues specifi c to the placement o rganisation. There must
also be a description of your own role, duties and responsibilities during the pl a cement, plus a general
overview of other staff roles within the organisation.
Explain how your skills, qualities and behaviour have developed during the work experience placement
(M2). This should relate to specifi c tasks, activities and incidents that have been docum e nted in your log
book and supported by employer witness statements.
Demonstrate personal effectiveness throughout the work experience process (D1). This will be based
on tutor observations and will take into account employer feedback and signed log sh e ets, plus self-
evaluation and copies of work produced, such as letters, reports, etc.
This task is designed to provide evidence for P3, P4, M2 and D1.
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