Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 16
Adaptation Strategies for Managing
Recurring Congestion Operational
16.1 Introduction
Increasing roadway capacity has been the traditional method to cope with and
manage traf
c congestion. Capacity enhancement strategies generally improve
mobility of all road users. Sometimes, however, they are designed to improve
mobility of special users
such as high-occupancy vehicles (e.g., carpools and
public transport vehicles).
There are two types of capacity enhancement strategies: (1) those that restore
lost capacity by eliminating operational
ciencies and bottlenecks in the
existing roadway system; and (2) those that add new road capacity. This chapter
describes strategies that increase the operational ef
ciency of the existing system.
Chapter 17 , discusses strategies that add new roadway capacity.
This chapter shows how operational strategies can reduce congestion by making
better use of existing streets and highways. Getting the
from existing streets
and highways has been a long-established traf
c engineering practice to increase
capacity, reduce delay, and improve traf
c safety in the short term at modest costs
and with minimum adverse community impacts.
16.2 Scope
The various sections of this chapter describe the strategies that improve traf
operations, give application guidelines for each, suggest relevant analysis methods,
and set forth likely effectiveness of the various strategies. In this respect the sug-
gested analysis methods complement the various capacity, delay, and level of
service procedures of the 2010 Highway Capacity Manual [ 1 ].
c operational improvements that increase capacity include a combination of
traditional strategies such as: parking restrictions, signal
timing and signal
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