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Chapter 9
Simulation of HIV-1 Molecular Evolution in Response
to Chemokine Coreceptors and Antibodies
Jack da Silva
School of Molecular and Biomedical Science, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA5005,
Abstract. The form of the neutralizing antibody response to human immunodeficiency virus
type 1 (HIV-1) and the evolutionary response by the virus are poorly understood. In order for
a virus particle (virion) to infect a cell, exterior envelope glycoprotein (gp120) molecules on
the virion's surface must interact with receptors on the cell's surface. Antibodies that bind to
gp120 may neutralize a virion by interfering with these interactions. Therefore, gp120 is ex-
pected to evolve in response to selection by both cell-surface receptors and antibodies. The
rate of such adaptation and the constraints imposed by a response to one selective force on the
response to the other are unknown. Here, I describe a simulation modeling approach to these
problems. The population of viral genomes infecting a single patient is represented by the
intensely studied third variable (V3) region of gp120, the main determinant of which
chemokine coreceptor a virion uses to enter a cell, and an important target of neutralizing
antibodies. Mutation and recombination are applied by realistically simulating the viral repli-
cation cycle. Selection by chemokine coreceptors is simulated by taking advantage of the fact
that mean site-specific amino acid frequencies are measures of the site-specific marginal
fitnesses of amino acids in relation to coreceptor interactions. Selection by antibodies is im-
posed by simulating the affinity maturation of B-cell lineages that produce neutralizing anti-
bodies to HIV-1 V3. These simulations make clear predictions about the functional cost
of adaptation to antibody surveillance, which may help explain the pattern of chemokine
coreceptor usage by HIV-1.
9.1 Introduction
Understanding the immunology and evolution of infectious disease is not only a
fundamental requirement of the successful treatment and prevention of disease, it
also provides an exceptional opportunity to study adaptive evolution at the molecu-
lar level (Frank 2002). Arguably, the main barrier to the development of an effec-
tive vaccine against infection by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is
our lack of detailed understanding of the process by which the virus adapts to im-
mune surveillance. We lack an understanding of how viral mutation, recombination,
cell superinfection, and protein structural and functional constraints affect HIV's
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