Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
lect information. These include the Internet capabilities as well as location, webcam,
and microphone capabilities. This privacy policy just needs to describe what you will
do with the information, and directly mention your game and publisher name.
Once you have the policy written, it needs to be posted in two locations. The first
is a publicly accessible website, which you will provide a link to when filling out the
description after uploading your game. The second is within the game itself. It is re-
commended you place this policy in the Windows 8 provided settings menu, which
you can build using XAML or your own code. If you're going with a completely native
Windows 8 application you may want to display the policy in your own way and link
to it from options within your game.
Once you've indicated the capabilities you want, you need to declare any operating
system integration you've done. For most games you won't use this, but if you're tak-
ing advantage of Windows 8 features such as share targets (the destination for data
shared using the Share Charm), or you have a Game Definition File, you will need
to declare it here and provide the required information for the operating system. In
the case of the GDF, you need to provide the file so that the parental controls system
can make use of the ratings to appropriately control access.
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