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Switch to the
next waypoint
Waypoint 1
Waypoint 2
Waypoint 0
v = 0
Fig. 4.11 Waypoint tracking logic. A cross-track controller minimizes the cross-track tracking error
e , while an along-track controller maintains a commanded velocity along the lines that connect
waypoints. The tracker switches waypoints when the along-track distance to the next waypoint
becomes smaller than a threshold. Waypoints are marked with
Controller input
Start states
Fig. 4.12 RRT with closed-loop dynamics. The red lines represent the input to the controller, which
are constructed by connecting a sample (marked with
) to the tree. The blue lines represent the
predicted vehicle trajectory, which is computed by the forward simulation
The main steps of the RRT algorithm are
1. Randomly sample the 3D world space.
2. Select a node in the tree.
3. Form a controller input from the selected node to the sample.
4. Forward simulate the closed-loop dynamics from the selected node, using the
controller input generated in step 3, and obtain a dynamically feasible trajectory.
5. Check if the predicted trajectory collides with or is occluded by obstacles
(Sect. 4.3.3 ). If there is a collision, or the occlusion is in a close range, discard
the sample and go to step 1.
6. Add a sample and associated propagated trajectory to the tree. Also generate
intermediate nodes on the trajectory, so that it can branch off to another trajectory
for future samples.
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