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for all valid disparities. Because of this separability, the C-space expansion can
be implemented very efficiently. In a first step, an intermediate disparity image is
generated by horizontally expanding all disparity values from the stereo disparity
map using the u 1 / u 2 look-up table. In a second step, each pixel in the intermediate
disparity image is expanded vertically using the v 1 / v 2 look-up table and the expansion
column is stored with a new disparity value from the d new look-up table in the final
C-space disparity map.
4.3.4 Collision Checking in Disparity Space
The queries from the motion planner come as a sequence of short linear 3D trajectory
segments. The collision checker module takes each segment that is defined through
its start and end point, projects it into the current C-space disparity map D cm , and
checks all pixels that are located on the straight line between the projected start
and end point for collision. Collision checking itself depends on the reconstructed
disparity value d
of a point p s on the segment and the actual disparity of the
underlying pixel p cm in the C-space map. If the disparity of p s is larger than the
disparity of p cm , the pixel is classified as safe . If the disparity of p s is smaller than
p cm the point on the trajectory is located behind an obstacle, and it is classified
depending on the disparity difference
p s )
p s )>
p cm ) :
p s )<
p cm )
p s )
p cm )<
p s )<
p cm )
p s )
p cm )
p s
D cm :
p cm ) =
If the difference is smaller than a threshold, a collision occurred. If it is larger,
the trajectory point is labeled as occluded as shown in Fig. 4.10 . If the C-space
map contains no valid disparity data at a checked pixel location p cm , the trajectory
segment is labeled as no_data —which can be caused, e.g., by a nontextured surface
when applying a real-time stereo approach.
How the planner uses these different trajectory classifications is explained in the
following section.
4.3.5 Motion Planning over Closed-Loop Dynamics
Motion planning of aerial vehicles has several challenges. First, the state space is
high dimensional—6DOF position and orientation, and their time derivatives (veloc-
ity/angular velocity, etc.), resulting in at least 12 states. Second, the system is very
agile and consequently has poor stability, and naively propagating the open-loop vehi-
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