Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Aperitivi at Jeroboam
With its gleaming wooden bar lined with multicoloured booze bottles, bust-
ling Jeroboam (Piazzetta Lepanto 1l; sandwiches & salads €2.50-5; 7.30-2am Wed-Mon;
Lido) is a year-round favourite. Come for coffee in the morning, generous
sandwiches and salads at lunchtime and the best Manhattan and aperitivo bar
on the Lido in the early evening.
Drink Like a Fish at al Mercà
Located in the old Lido fish market, al Mercà ( 041 526 45 49; Via Enrico Dandolo
17a; cicheti €2.50-3.50, meals €15-25; 10.30am-3pm & 6-10pm Tue-Sun; Lido) is a year-
round draw for its abundant cicheti, outdoor seating and well-priced wine by
the glass. Take a pew at one of the marble counters and order up a seafood
storm of folpetti (mini octopus), fried schìe (shrimp) and creamy salt cod.
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