Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
N O MATTER WHAT joys and pitfalls you may encounter in a foreign country—at work, in so-
cial settings, or out on the street—at the end of each day you always go home. Home in this
case means the apartment, house, hotel, bungalow or tent you live in now. Whether tempor-
ary or long-term, it is still home for you and your family.
If you do not have a happy family life, no number of exciting outside experiences or out-
standing accomplishments will change the situation. On the other hand, a happy home life
will enable you to face difficulties and challenges on the outside much more easily. Whether
you live abroad or if you've never left your home town, a happy home is the catalyst for a
happy life.
For most people, marriage or another form of committed relationship is either a reality or
a goal. Thus, a happy home life, and a satisfying life in general, both depend quite a bit on
the success of the relationship.
Marriage is a joyous, fulfilling union for most couples, but for others it can be a meaningless
and exploitative trap.
A good marriage doesn't come effortlessly. It requires work and nurturing from both part-
ners. Each must be willing to communicate, learn to resolve conflicts and accept differences.
Every couple has the choice either to build a lifelong happy marriage for themselves or to
become the victims of their marriage. What will be your choice?
In the following pages we will look at aspects of building and maintaining a happy, suc-
cessful marriage, so that a couple, meaning both partners equally, can flourish, grow and
enjoy, no matter where in this world they go.
When two people decide to get married, a lot of attention is paid to preparations for the wed-
ding, the honeymoon, combining households, and so on. But in preparing psychologically
for marriage, many people are not nearly so thorough.
It is common to hear engaged or newlywed couples declare: “Whatever differences we
have will be resolved by love.” This is a sweet sentiment, reinforced by popular songs and
movies, but unfortunately it is not always true.
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