Travel Reference
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The USA acquires Florida in exchange for Spanish control over Texas; the USA will control all territ-
ory east of it.
The first skirmish in the Texas War for Independence took place on October 2, when Texians raised
a flag daring Mexican troops to 'Come and take it'; it being the local cannon.
Early 1836
The battle of the Alamo begins on February 28 and lasts for 13 days.
April 1836
April 21, Sam Houston's Texian army wins a decisive battle against Mexican General Santa Anna.
Texas becomes a republic.
Texas' annexation by the USA leads directly to the Mexican- American War, a total rout in which US
troops capture Mexico City from Santa Anna.
At the end of the Mexican-American War, Mexico cedes modern Texas, California, Utah, Colorado
and most of New Mexico and Arizona to the USA. ¡Ay, caramba! Talk about a loss.
The (first) Great Storm hits populous Galveston Island, killing an estimated 6000 to 8000 people the
night of September 8.
After being jailed for six weeks at Fort Sam Houston, Apache leader Goyathlay (aka Geronimo) dies a
prisoner of war. The US military has still not repatriated his remains.
Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa is a darling of the American media, portrayed as a dashing free-
dom fighter. Eventually, the US turns against him and Villa is mysteriously assassinated in 1923.
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