Travel Reference
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( 210-319-3001; ; 18007 IH-10 West; 10am-8pm Mon-Sat, to 6pm Sun) It's a bit of
a mosey from downtown, but if you want to get decked out in cowboy gear, including ap-
parel, boots and hats, this is a great place to start.
CD Exchange
( 210-828-5525; 3703 Broadway; 10am-9pm Mon-Sat, noon-7pm Sun) This reliable chain music
store has lots of cheap secondhand CDs, DVDs and videotapes in all genres. Call for other
locations around San Antonio; this one is near Brackenridge Park.
Embracing more than a few belief systems, Papa Jim's Botanica MAP ( 210-922-6665; ; 5630 S Flores St; 9am-6pm Mon-Fri, 10am-5:30pm Sat) offers help from above
or help from the beyond for a wide variety of problems. It's basically a religious and Santeria superstore (mixed
with a bit of voodoo), selling items to rid you of the problem of your choice: Get-Rich candles, Do-As-I-Say floor
wash, Jinx Removal air-freshener, Run-Devil-Run and Get-out-of-Jail oil, and Stop-Gossip soap, all for a few
dollars apiece.
Located in the southern part of the city, the store also has books, herbal teas, incense, good-luck charms and
other items related to Santeria, a synthesis of Catholicism and the Nigerian Yoruba beliefs of slaves brought to the
Caribbean. Papa Jim's motto is 'whatever works,' and obviously it works for some: the botanica has been around
since 1980.
Downtown (which swarms with cops) is considered safe. East and west of downtown (ba-
sically, anywhere across the railway tracks) is not as well patrolled, so common sense is
needed in these areas. North of downtown, Avenue B, which parallels Broadway beside
Brackenridge Park, may look handy for parking, but it's often deserted after dark and not
well lit.
The San Antonio River is lovely, but there are several drownings a year. Be especially
careful in areas near the Riverwalk that don't have fences.
Other hazards, especially during summer, are dehydration, heat exhaustion or even heat
stroke. To avoid passing out in front of the Alamo (as a few tourists each year inevitably
do), always maintain a good fluid intake.
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