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LEMMA 10.13.2 Let A be a γ -ok n×n matrix over R for some 0 <γ< 1 / 2 . Then the matrix-
vector product function f ( n )
is ( 1, γ , γ , γ , τ ) -distinguishable where τ ( b )= n .
× x
Proof To s h ow t h a t f ( n )
is ( 1, γ , γ , γ , τ ) -distinguishable, select any a
inputs and
× x
any b
outputs. If the i th input is chosen and it has value u i , introduce the equation
x i = u i .Let B be the a
n coefficient matrix defining these equations; that is, B x = u ,
where B contains the j th row of the n
n identity matrix if the j th variable is among the
selected inputs.
n matrix C = A
. We show that it has rank a + γb .The
Consider the ( n + a )
submatrix D of A consisting of the intersection of those columns not selected by inputs (of
which there are n
) and rows selected by outputs (of which there are b )
has rank γb because A is γ -ok. Thus, γb of the n
a columns of A not selected by inputs
and the a non-zero columns of B are linearly independent. Thus, the submatrix E of C
consisting of the selected rows of B and the rows of D has rank a + γb .
The number of n -tuple input vectors x consistent with the linear system E x = d is
n−a−γb , as we show. Without loss of generality assume that the first a + γb columns of E
(call it F ) are linearly independent. (Permute the columns, if necessary, so that this is true.)
Fix the values of the b realizable outputs. Then for each assignment to inputs corresponding
to the last n
( a + γb ) columns there are unique values for the first a + γb inputs, due to
the non-singularity of F . Thus the number of assignments to the last n
( a + γb ) columns
n−a−γb .
that are consistent with values for the a inputs and b outputs is
Invoking Corollary 10.11.1 yields the following result.
THEOREM 10.13.3 Let A be a γ -ok n × n matrix over R for some 0 <γ< 1 / 2 . Then there
is a constant 0 <γ< 1 / 2 and an integer n 0 such that for n
n 0 the space S and time T used
by any general branching program for the function f ( n )
n must satisfy the following
lower bound when T
n :
ST =Ω( n 2 log
This lower bound can be met to within a factor of O (log n ) for log n
n .
Proof The lower bound follows from the application of Theorem 10.11.1 .
The matrix-vector product A x for an n
n matrix A can be done with a branching
program for the standard algorithm as follows: Compute the inner product of the i th row
with the column x for 1
n . The inner product of two n -tuples can be computed
with a branching program having O ( n
2 ) vertices, as suggested in Fig. 10.20 . (This is
true even if A is not fixed.) n branching programs for inner products can be concatenated to
form one branching program to multiply an n
n matrix with an n -vector. This branching
program uses space O (log n +log
) and time O ( n 2 ) , thereby meeting the lower bound
to within a factor of O (log n ) .
A matrix-vector product for a fixed matrix (this case) can also be computed by table
lookup in space O ( n log
) and time O ( n ) since this function has n variables.
To bridge the gap between these two results, compute the matrix-vector product using a
hybrid algorithm similar to that used for convolution in the proof of Theorem 10.13.1 .
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