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Let ￿ 2 be the ring of integers modulo 2. As shown in Problem 6.20 , the integer multi-
plication function f ( n )
2 n contains the convolution function over f ( n/ log n )
2 n
mult :
2 n/ log n
2 n/ log n
. Thus, by Lemmas 10.11.2 and 10.13.1 the following holds:
THEOREM 10.13.2 There is an integer n 0 > 0 such that for n>n 0 the time T and space S
used by any general branching program for binary integer multiplication f ( n )
2 n
2 n must
mult :
ST =Ω( n 2 / log 2 n )
This lower bound can be achieved to within a factor of O (log 3 n ) for space Ω(log n )
O ( n ) .
Proof Since the integer multiplication function depends on 2 n variables, it can be com-
puted via table lookup with space O ( n ) and time O ( n ) , thereby meeting the lower bound
to within a factor of O (log 2 n ) .
At the limit of small space, S =Θ(log n ) , the integer multiplication algorithm of
Section 10.5.3 provides a branching program. Since at most
log 2 n
bits suffice for the
carry from one power of 2 to the next, a branching program based on this algorithm has
at most O ( 2 log 2 n ) vertices at each of n 2 levels. Thus, this program uses time O ( n 2 ) and
space O (log n ) , achieving the lower bound to within a factor of O (log n ) .
We sketch a procedure to fill in the range of space between these extremes and ask the
reader to complete the details. (See Problem 10.39 .) Assume that k divides n and represent
each n -bit binary number as an ( n/k ) -component base-2 k number. As in the standard bi-
nary integer multiplication algorithm (where k = 1), form n/k ( n/k ) -component numbers
through multiplication and shifting of consecutive base-2 k components, as suggested below:
v 3 u 0
v 2 u 0
v 1 u 0
v 0 u 0
v 3 u 1
v 2 u 1
v 1 u 1
v 0 u 1
v 3 u 2
v 2 u 2
v 1 u 2
v 0 u 2
v 3 u 3
v 2 u 3
v 1 u 3
v 0 u 3
Here u r and v s are base-2 k numbers. Multiply two such numbers through table lookup in
time and space O ( k ) . Extend the algorithm for the base-2 case by replacing each subpro-
gram that multiplies two binary numbers by the table lookup program to multiply base-2 k
numbers. This new program adds products to a running sum of length O (log n ) bits. Thus,
it uses space O ( k +log n ) and time O ( n 2 /k ) , giving a space-time product of O ( n 2 log n )
for k
log n .
10.13.3 Matrix-Vector Product
The matrix-vector product function f ( n )
n computes the n -tuple y from the
n -tuple x for a fixed n
n matrix A over
according to the rule
y = A x
where y j = n− 1
k = 0 a j , k x k for 0
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