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g 8
g 7
g 5
g 4
g 6
x 3
x 1
x 2
x 4
Figure 9.4 A circuit in which gates g 4 has maximal distance from the output gate g 8 .Theinput
x 2 has fan-out 2.
values for the four assignments to inputs, f has at most two subfunctions, contradicting the
definition of f .
If n = 3, this fact demonstrates that the fan-out from the three inputs has to be at
least 4, that is, the circuit has at least four inputs. From Theorem 9.3.1 it follows that
C Ω ( f )
3for n = 3. This is the base case for a proof by induction.
The inductive hypothesis is that for any f
2 n
Q ( n− 1 )
, C Ω ( f )
2 ( n
1 )
3. From
Q ( n )
the earlier argument it follows that there is an input vertex x i
in a circuit for f
2,3 that
has fan-out 2. Let x i have that value that causes the subfunction f of f to be in Q ( n− 1 )
2,3 .
Fixing x i eliminates at least two gates in the circuit for f because each gate connected to x i
either has a constant output, computes the identity, or computes the NOT of its input. The
negation, if any, can be absorbed by the gate that precedes or follows it. Thus,
C Ω ( f )+ 2
C Ω ( f )
2 ( n
1 )
3 + 2 = 2 n
which establishes the result.
As a consequence of this theorem, the function f ( n )
mod 3, c requires at least 2 n
3 gates over
the basis B 2 . It can also be shown to require at most 3 n + O ( 1 ) gates [ 86 ].
We now derive a second lower-bound result using the gate-elimination method. In this
case we demonstrate that the upper bound on the complexity of the m ulti plexer function
f ( n )
introduced in S ect ion 2.5.5 ,whichis2 n + 1 + O ( n 2 n ) , is optimal to
2 n + n
mux :
within an additive term of size O ( n 2 n ) . (The multiplexer function is also called the storage
access function .) We generalize the storage access function f ( n , k )
n + k
slightly and
write it in terms of a k -bit address a and an n -tuple x , as shown below, where
denotes the
integer represented by the binary number a and 2 k
n .:
f ( n , k )
( a k− 1 , ... , a 1 , a 0 , x n− 1 , ... , x 0 )= x | a |
mux = f ( 2 m , m )
Thus, f ( m )
SA .
To derive a lower bound on the circuit size of f ( n , k )
we introduce the class F ( n , k )
Boolean functions on n + k variables defined below.
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