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DEFINITION 9.3.2 A Boolean function f : B
belongs to the class F ( n , k )
n + k
, 2 k
n ,if
for some set S
0, 1, ... , n
= s ,
f ( a k− 1 , ... , a 1 , a 0 , x n− 1 , ... , x 0 )= x | a |
S .
Clearly, f ( n , k )
is a member of F ( n , k )
. We now show that every function in F ( n , k )
has circuit
size that is at least 2 s
In the proof of Theorem 9.3.2 the gate-elimination method replaced variables with con-
stants. In the following proof this idea is extended to replacing variables by functions. Applying
thisresult,wehavethat C Ω ( f ( n )
2 n + 1
mux )
THEOREM 9.3.3 Let f : B
belong to F ( n , k )
n + k
, 2 k
n . Then over the basis B 2 the
circuit size of f satisfies the following bound:
Proof In the proof of Theorem 9.3.2 we used the fact that some input variable has fan-out
2 or more, as deduced from a property of functions in Q ( n )
C Ω ( f )
2 s
2,3 . This fact does not hold for the
storage access function (multiplexer), as can be seen from the construction in Section 2.5.5 .
Thus, our lower-bound argument must explicitly take into account the fact that the fan-out
from some input can be 1.
The following proof uses the fact that the basis B 2 contains functions of two kinds, AND -
type and parity-type functions. The former compute expressions of the form ( x a
y b ) c for
Boolean constants a , b , c ,wherethenotation x c denotes x when c = 1and x when c = 0.
Parity-type functions compute expressions of the form x
c for some Boolean constant
c . (See Problem 9.19 .)
The proof is by induction on the value of s . In the base case s = 1 and the lower bound
is trivially 0. The inductive hypothesis assumes that for s = s
2 ( s
1, C Ω ( f )
1 )
We l e t s = s and consider the following mutually exclusive cases:
a) For some i
S , x i has fan-out 2. Replacing x i by a constant allows elimination of
at least two gates, replaces S by S
, which has size s
1, and reduces f to
F ( n , k )
1 , from which we conclude that
2 + C Ω ( f )
2 s + 2 = 2 s
C Ω ( f )
b) For some i
S , x i hasfan-out1,itsuniquesuccessorisagate G of AND -type, and G
computes th e expression ( x i
g b ) c for some function g of the inputs. Setting x i = a
sets x i = a a = 0, thereby causing the expression to have value 0 c ,whichisaconstant.
Since G cannot be the output gate, this substitution allows the elimination of G and at
least one successor gate, reduces f to f
F ( n , k )
1 ,andreplaces S by S
which the lower bound follows.
c) For some i
S , x i hasfan-out1,itsuniquesuccessorisagate G of parity-type, and
G computes the expression x i
c for some function g of the inputs. Replace S by
. Since we ask that the output of the circuit be x | a | for a
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