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THEOREM 6.5.4 The matrix inverse function f ( n )
A 1 for arbitrary non-singular n
n matrices
over an arbitrary field
can be computed by an algebraic circuit whose size and depth satisfy the
following bounds:
A 1 =Θ( M matrix ( n , K ))
D f ( n )
C f ( n )
A 1 = O ( n log 2 n )
Proof To invert a non-singular n
n matrix M that is not SPD, form the product P =
M T M (which is SPD) with one instance of MULT[ n ] and then invert it. Then multi-
ply P 1 by M T on the right with a second instance of MULT[ n ]. To invert P ,compute
its LDL T factorization and invert it by forming L T 1 D 1 L 1 . Inverting LDL T re-
quires one application of TRI INV[ n ], one application of SCALE[ n ], and one application of
MULT[ n ], in addition to the steps used to form the factorization. Thus, three applications
of MULT[ n ] are used in addition to the factorization steps. The following bounds hold:
C f ( n )
A 1
4 M matrix ( n , K )+ n 2
4 . 5 M matrix ( n )
A 1 = O n log 2 n + O (log n )= O n log 2 n
The lower bound on C f ( n )
D f ( n )
A 1 follows from Lemma 6.5.1 .
6.5.5 Fast Matrix Inversion*
In this section we present a depth- O (log 2 n ) circuit for the inversion of n
n matrices known
as Csanky's algorithm , which is based on the method of Leverrier. Since this algorithm uses
a number of well-known matrix functions and properties that space precludes explaining in
detail, advanced knowledge of matrices and polynomials is required for this section.
The determinant of an n
n matrix A , det( A ) , is defined below in terms of the set of all
permutations π of the integers
.Herethe sign of π , denoted σ ( π ) ,isthenumber
of swaps of pairs of integers needed to realize π from the identity permutation.
det( A )=
1, 2, ... , n
1 ) σ ( π )
a i , π ( i )
i = 1
Here i = 1 a i , π ( i ) is the product a 1, π ( 1 ) ···
a n , π ( n ) .The characteristic polynomial of a
matrix A ,namely, φ A ( x ) in the variable x , is the determinant of xI
A ,where I is the n
identity matrix:
φ A ( x )= det( xI
A )
= x n + c n− 1 x n− 1 + c n− 2 x n− 2 +
+ c 0
If x is set to zero, this equation implies that c 0 =det(
A ) .Aso, tcanbeshownthat
φ A ( A )= 0, a fact known as the Cayley-Hamilton theorem : A matrix satisfies its own
characteristic polynomial. This implies that
A A n− 1 + c n− 1 A n− 2 + c n− 2 A n− 3 +
+ c 1 =
c 0 I
Thus, when c 0
= 0theinverseof A can be computed from
A 1 =
c 0 A n− 1 + c n− 1 A n− 2 + c n− 2 A n− 3 +
+ c 1
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