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Once the characteristic polynomial of A has been computed, its inverse can be computed
by forming the n
1 successive powers of A ,namely, A , A 2 , A 3 , ... , A n− 1 , multiplying them
by the coefficients of φ A ( x ) , and adding the products together. These powers of A can be
computed using a prefix circuit having O ( n ) instances of the associative matrix multiplication
operator and depth O (log n ) measured in the number of instances of this operator. We have
defined M matrix ( n , K ) to be the size of the smallest n
n matrix multiplication circuit with
depth K log n (Definition 6.3.1 ). Thus, the successive powers of A can be computed by a
circui t of size O ( nM matrix ( n , K )) and depth O (log 2 n ) . The size bound can be improved to
O ( nM matrix ( n , K )) . (See Problem 6.15 .)
To complete the derivation of the Csanky algorithm we must produce the coefficients of
the characteristic polynomial of A . For this we invoke Leverrier's theorem . This theorem uses
the notion of the trace of a matrix A , that is, the sum of the elements on its main diagonal,
denoted tr ( A ) .
THEOREM 6.5.5 (Leverrier) The coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of the n × n matrix
A satisfy the following identity, where s r = tr ( A r ) for 1
n :
c n− 1
c n− 2
c n− 3
c 0
s 1
s 2
s 3
s n
s 1 20
s 2
s 1
. . .
s n− 1
s 2
s 1
Proof The degree- n characteristic polynomial φ A ( x ) of A can be factored over a field of
characteristic zero. If λ 1 , λ 2 , ... , λ n are its roots, we write
φ A ( x )=
( x
λ i )
i = 1
j = 1 λ j .
From expanding this expression, it is clear that the coefficient c n− 1 of x n− 1 is
Similarly, expanding det( xI
A ) , c n− 1 is the negative sum of the diagonal elements of A ,
tr ( A ) . It follows that tr ( A )= j = 1 λ j .
The λ j 's are called the eigenvalues of A , that is, values such that there exists an n -vector
u (an eigenvector )suchthat A u = λ j u . It follows that A r u = λ j u .Itcanbeshown
that λ 1 , ... , λ n are precisely the eigenvalues of A r ,so Π j = 1 ( x
that is, c n− 1 =
λ j ) is the characteristic
polynomial of A r .Since s r = tr ( A r ) , s r = j = 1 λ j .
Let s 0 = 1and s k = 0for k< 0. Then, to complete the proof of ( 6.13 ), we must show
that the following identity holds for 1
n :
s i− 1 c n− 1 + s i− 2 c n− 2 +
+ s 1 c n−i + 1 + ic n−i =
s i
Moving s i to the left-hand side, substituting for the traces, and using the definition of the
characteristic polynomial yield
λ n−i
+ λ j c 1 + c 0
c n−i + λ n−i− 1
φ A ( λ j )
c n−i− 1 +
ic n−i +
= 0
λ n−i
j = 1
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