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Schedules, City of Bolzano, 2005 ). 3 The sharing of projects in the smart city is
practiced by different means: the smart city often uses Urban Centre that serve as
real bodies to disclose and make known to the community, projects and new
initiatives. Sharing in some areas necessarily happens through technology (energy
management systems or traffic control through digital systems already in place in
many European cities). The following paragraphs deal with the theme of sharing
services in the city of the future. Finally will be addressed another important aspect
of the smart city: the integration, which leads many innovative processes and that,
lends itself to different interpretations and applications.
Sharing in the Digital Age
In line with the trend that stems from social networking sites—Facebook and
Twitter in the first place—sharing is a buzzword of the contemporary era: today in
a more immediate way than in the past you share an experience, a book, a
sentence, a journey but also a pair of shoes and a dress, basically everything
(Lamborghini and Donadei 2006 ). The teenagers before buying a shirt or a per-
sonal item, after taking a picture of the item to be purchased with the iphone, do a
survey among her friends on facebook to see how many ''likes'' records (and only
after the purchase).
In real time we are able to communicate with those we want: in daily practice
we can record information and exchange data and images with people who are
physically far away.
This is the era of Internet, web and shared communication: images, phrases,
ideas that sail into the wild. The arena of digital sharing remains a world of open
networks and increasing exchanges, new knowledge and a variety of content
through a grid of nodes, consisting of millions of PCs scattered throughout the
world. The transformation of the scenario results in new structures, which are
difficult to control, but the real victory lies in playing the game all the way betting
on innovation and creativity.
In this way sharing is connected to sustainability and becomes a practical
driving force in the projects of smart cities.
Sharing can infact become the tool that allows achieving certain objectives
(bringing sustainability, but also economic benefit as we shall see) the sharing of
projects, involving citizens, who are the primary users of urban transformation.
In this way, the municipal government, before starting any project, try to
explain looking for the involvement of citizens and of all the local players. This is
the new dimension of urban governance, a term in use since the seventies and
eighties in emerging countries, is the new watchword. Governance policies are
based on the sharing between multiple actors of the decision-making process for
the organization and development of the territory. Participation must be for this
reason extended and enlarged to everyone.
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