Environmental Engineering Reference
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distributed systems from the security perspective; identity and privacy manage-
ment, where, e.g., pseudonymisation must be applied throughout the whole sys-
tem, in order to separate the data collected about a user from the user's real
identity; integration into systems of security technologies, e.g., advanced
encryption and access control, and intelligent data aggregation techniques.
In conclusion, advocating data protection and data security in connection with
smart cities is not only a due exercise in view of the protection of individuals'
inviolable rights but also an exercise for increasing the chances to establish suc-
cessfully smart cities' programs in the market, and, in the end, a competitive
factor. At the same time, it appears that, because of the characteristic typical of the
data processing relevant to smart cities programs, consisting in the aim at
achieving results of a general or public interest, the regulation and government of
data protection and data security in this field deserve special consideration by
legislators and governmental authorities.
Sharing and Integration in the Smart City
In the intelligent city, it is desired a strong integration among urban functions, both
traditional as well as innovative (energy, mobility, etc.…), that increasingly play
an important role. The information technology is an exceptional implementation
propeller able to connect and tie up the urban innovations that can develop in the
contemporary scenario (Cittalia—Fondazione ANCI ricerche 2012 ). The sustain-
able use of environmental resources and the widespread and integrated use of
renewable energy appear to be a necessary condition in the city of the future.
Besides the process is very broad and involving different areas of the city and
mostly the people (smart people), end users of urban transformations. Some
functional areas, where it is concentrated in a timely innovation in smart city are
mainly: the transport sector (smart mobility) in the first place and the energy sector
(smart energy) 2 .
In this context of great changes on issues that affect the daily lives of all of us,
citizens must do their part, being the main actors in a new process. They are a key
component of smart city: their choices, their behaviours and their education are
essential to bet on the future innovation processes of the city. But this step is not
obvious, because it is often very difficult to change people's habits (especially if
they are already adults). The ''smartness'' here must be understood as a skill or
attitude of a community, in a time of scarce resources, to share and integrate, in a
competitive and strategic way, functions and services, giving rise in many cases in
habits and established procedures changes. The process of listening and partici-
pation of the citizenship is the basis of policies in some Italian municipalities to
improve the quality of life of citizens, as well as the quality of the urban fabric
through a better organization of schedules of services in the area (Time Plan and
Raffaella Riva Sanseverino is the exclusive author of Sect. 3.2 .
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