Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The isolated towns of Alamikangban, about 70km southeast of Rosita, and Prinzapolka, another
two hours by boat along the Río Prinzapolka to the Caribbean coast, don't get many visitors.
They both have a couple of hospedajes (guesthouses) and simple comedores (basic eateries), but
the real reason to go is the river. It marks the southern boundary of natural pine forest that phases
into tropical rainforest, with wetlands that are a haven for all sorts of birds. The fishing is also
Buses leave Rosita (US$4, four hours) twice daily for Alamikangban, where you can hire a
private boat to Prinzapolka. Both towns, as well as the smaller communities lining the river, have
indigenous government structures, so ask for the wihta (judge) or síndico (resource manager)
when trying to find guides or lodging.
Festivals & Events
Dance of King Pulanka
( Jan 6-mid-Feb) First performed in the late 1800s, the dance of El Rey and La Reina is
still performed throughout the Mosquitia. Two groups of dancers wearing 18th-century
costumes represent the king's allies and enemies, and stage a mock battle using arrows,
machetes and triki trakas (firearms). The good guys win and there's traditional food and
drink to keep the party going. Many local communities host their own events before the
grand finale in Bilwi.
Día de la Autonomía
( Oct 30) Celebrates the day the RAAN was finally rid of those Spaniards in Managua!
Well, sort of.
Lodging is high in comfort, charm and value. But even with a dearth of tourism it helps to
reserve ahead as the NGO brigade often snaps up the best rooms.
Casa Museo Judith Kain
( 2792-2225;; Parque Central, 4c N, 1c O; s/d/tr with fan
US$12/ 15/20, with air-con US$23/27/30; ) In a town with an abundance of great-
value lodging, this may be the best of the bunch. Rooms set in two superb old craftsman
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