Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Los Ranchitos
(Muelle, 3c E, ½c S; mains US$4-6) One of the better-looking restaurants in town, with open
walls, thatched roofs and a pressed-dirt floor. The menu's your fairly standard range of
meat, chicken and seafood, with some good pizza and pasta options thrown in.
Pizzeria Buon Appetito
(Muelle, 100m E; mains US$6-12; ) Grab a table out front to watch the action on the main
drag at the island's best pizza-pie place. There's a wide menu featuring seafood dishes like
snapper in shellfish sauce or shrimp cocktails, but the standard assortment of pasta dishes.
Eggplant with pesto is a great veggie option.
Timbo al Tambo
(Muelle, 2½c E; 3pm-late Tue-Sat) A cozy bar that's popular with locals and travelers alike
for a couple of drinks and some sports on the big screen. Judging by the school kids grind-
ing it out to reggaeton hits on the small dance floor, your chances of getting asked for ID
are slim.
The ferry terminal is at the bottom of Moyogalpa's main street; almost all services are
within one block of this street. Buses and taxis stop at the dock after 8:30am; before
8:30am they leave from the Catholic church at the top of the street. Go left for the dirt
road to La Flor and San Marcos, right for the paved road to Charco Verde, Playa Santo
Domingo and Volcán Maderas.
@rcia Cyber Café (Muelle, 2½c E; per hour US$1) Not great, but the best in town.
Banco Lafise (Muelle, 200m E)
BanPro Credit (Muelle, 3c E) Accepts Visa. Not always operational.
Hospital ( 2569 4247; Parque Central, 3c S) Offers basic emergency services. For anything
serious it's best to get off the island, to Rivas at least.
Police station (
2569-4231; muelle, 3c E, 1c S)
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