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Fig. 1.32
OPTIMUS workflow management tool
Despite progress in establishing standards and in developing enabling tech-
nology, the vision of the 3D-TestBench, and its benefits, has not yet been able to
be realized. The benefits of reduction of time to market, reduced development cost,
improved product quality, effective (seamless and natural) collaborative multi-
disciplinary knowledge-based working are not yet attained. This project has
integrated a number of preexisting components and developed the technology,
with workflow management tool OPTIMUS (Fig. 1.32 ), which has been applied to
enable to demonstrate the 3D-TestBench vision.
1.3 Conclusion
Today's trend in the engineering software tools is toward more intelligent multi-
disciplinary M&S systems, which are expected to capture the engineering intelli-
gence in order to put in the hands of the engineers advanced tools for designing new
products, which are able to perform highly complex investigations—a multiexpert
team counterpart enabled through software. In order to develop such intelligent
software, it is necessary to combine in addition to the Computer Graphics tech-
nologies and User Interface design, as required for SV—the missing element, the
modeling of domain engineering knowledge, to clearly become part of the software
development process. In this work, the advocated computer software technologies to
support such multidisciplinary solutions were addressed as follows:
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