Database Reference
In-Depth Information
ZooKeeper interactions support participants that do not need to know about one anoth-
er. For example, ZooKeeper can be used as a rendezvous mechanism so that processes
that otherwise don't know of each other's existence (or network details) can discover
and interact with one another. Coordinating parties may not even be contemporaneous,
since one process may leave a message in ZooKeeper that is read by another after the
first has shut down.
ZooKeeper is a library
ZooKeeper provides an open source, shared repository of implementations and recipes
of common coordination patterns. Individual programmers are spared the burden of
writing common protocols themselves (which is often difficult to get right). Over time,
the community can add to and improve the libraries, which is to everyone's benefit.
ZooKeeper is highly performant, too. At Yahoo!, where it was created, the throughput for
a ZooKeeper cluster has been benchmarked at over 10,000 operations per second for
write-dominant workloads generated by hundreds of clients. For workloads where reads
dominate, which is the norm, the throughput is several times higher. [ 141 ]
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