Database Reference
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Installing and Running ZooKeeper
When trying out ZooKeeper for the first time, it's simplest to run it in standalone mode
with a single ZooKeeper server. You can do this on a development machine, for example.
ZooKeeper requires Java to run, so make sure you have it installed first.
Download a stable release of ZooKeeper from the Apache ZooKeeper releases page , and
unpack the tarball in a suitable location:
% tar xzf zookeeper- x.y.z .tar.gz
ZooKeeper provides a few binaries to run and interact with the service, and it's convenient
to put the directory containing the binaries on your command-line path:
% export ZOOKEEPER_HOME=~/sw/zookeeper- x.y.z
Before running the ZooKeeper service, we need to set up a configuration file. The config-
uration file is conventionally called zoo.cfg and placed in the conf subdirectory (although
you can also place it in /etc/zookeeper , or in the directory defined by the ZOOCFGDIR en-
vironment variable, if set). Here's an example:
tickTime = 2000
dataDir = /Users/tom/zookeeper
clientPort = 2181
This is a standard Java properties file, and the three properties defined in this example are
the minimum required for running ZooKeeper in standalone mode. Briefly, tickTime is
the basic time unit in ZooKeeper (specified in milliseconds), dataDir is the local filesys-
tem location where ZooKeeper stores persistent data, and clientPort is the port
ZooKeeper listens on for client connections (2181 is a common choice). You should change
dataDir to an appropriate setting for your system.
With a suitable configuration defined, we are now ready to start a local ZooKeeper server:
% start
To check whether ZooKeeper is running, send the ruok command (“Are you OK?”) to the
client port using nc ( telnet works, too):
% echo ruok | nc localhost 2181
That's ZooKeeper saying, “I'm OK.” Table 21-1 lists the commands, known as the “four-
letter words,” for managing ZooKeeper.
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