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Fig. 1.3 Some functions of
Thurstone's model of
Comprehens ion
W 1
W 2
Proba bility of
correct answ er
W 3
W 4
We can thus have a measure associated with an individual; the Intelligence
Quotient (IQ):
Mental Age
Chronological Age *100
I do not wish to examine the actual measurement of intelligence. What I do wish to
draw from this is the nature of the tests and what is involved in doing them.
Models of intelligence have been derived through statistical analysis of IQ tests
showing a range of specialized dimensions of intelligence such as Verbal Comprehen-
sion, Word Fluency, Number, Space, etc. (Thurstone 1938 ). More complex models
have been suggested through the statistical technique of factor analysis, where it
is assumed that a measurement is a consequence of several independent influences
(Guilford 1967 ). Both these ideas propose independent mechanisms that combine
in a simple additive manner to support the intelligent process. Further, the latter
proposal suggests that the mechanisms are mostly different from the initial proposed
functions of Judgment, Comprehension, Reasoning and Creativity (Fig. 1.3 ).
The notion that intelligence is a combination of skills that come to bear on a
problem in an additive fashion may be considered too simplistic. Certainly such
an analysis is open to a very wide range of proposed alternative mechanisms but
this model does suggest that the components of the intelligence are discrete spe-
cializations. This observation will help us construct a potential working model of
intelligence in that it will reduce the range of activities to be included. This will
greatly simplify our task.
Discontinuity Theory
The work of Elliott Jaques and colleagues proposed that intelligence does not conform
to the smooth growth usually assumed but moves in distinct plateau. The plateau is
related to people's ability to abstract concepts. This view is still consistent with
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