Travel Reference
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Estrada Cabrera & Minerva
Manuel Estrada Cabrera ruled from 1898 to 1920, bringing progress in technical matters
but placing a heavy burden on all but the ruling oligarchy. He fancied himself a bringer of
light and culture to a backward land, styling himself the 'Teacher and Protector of Guatem-
alan Youth'.
In reaction to Cabrera's doublespeak, the Huelga de Dolores (Strike of Sorrows) began
around this time. Students from Guatemala City's San Carlos University took to the streets
during Lent - wearing hoods to avoid reprisals - to protest against injustice and corruption.
The tradition caught on in university towns across the country, culminating with a parade
through the main streets on the Friday before Good Friday, a tradition that continues to this
La Hija del Puma ( The Daughter of the Puma ), directed by Ulf Hultberg, is a powerful 1994 film, based on a true
story, about a K'iche' Maya girl who survives the army massacre of her fellow villagers and sees her broth-
er captured. She escapes to Mexico but then returns to Guatemala in search of her brother.
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