Graphics Reference
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Generative designs can be used to design objects with a more
organic look and feel.
Generative design systems are now just starting to lourish commercially, but
much of this work is done by skilled designers for custom projects. Generative
design programs are sometimes called “shape grammars” and when printed,
result in sophisticated three-dimensional patterns.
Generative systems can be used with different rule sets, different basic
operations and basic shapes, different syntax, and so on. Some people experi-
ment with a set of ixed rules. Others use conditional rules that depend on the
shape's current state. For example, a rule might specify to split the cylinder
into smaller cylinders only if the cylinder is larger than 5mm in diameter.
One variant, named after biologist Aristid Lindenmayer, are sets of rules that
are famously known for their capability to generate plant-like shapes and
organisms, often used to generate lush natural computer-generated graphics
scenes in movies and video games. (You didn't really think there was an artist
drawing each tree, did you?)
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