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Presenting the "matrix revolution"
This project aims to connect a matrix to the BeagleBone board so that it can be remotely
accessed through a network connection. For this purpose, you will program the
following parts:
• The client that will establish a connection to the server
• The server on the BeagleBone where you'll be able to interact with all the
connected devices
This project allows you to approach the following technologies:
BeagleBone/I2C : This board communicates with the matrix using the I2C
protocol (introduced later).
Adafruit matrix : The matrix itself in the bicolor version. The good part is that
when you buy two colors, you can have three (the combination of green with
red will give you the orange color too).
Client : Even though the hardware part will be the same among the different
examples, you are going to implement different ways to control the matrix.
These examples will then be different versions of a client program, which
can run on a single PC, for example.
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